The Oil Is Scientifically Called Oleum Amygdalae. It Is Prepared from Two Varieties of Prunus Dulcis Almonds, Sweet and Bitter. It Is an Oil Composed of Glycerine and Oleic Acid with a Mild Odour and a Slightly Nutty Taste.
Aloe Vera oil is an anti-irritant. It also provides some nutrients to the skin, especially amino acids as Aloe Vera gel is rich in them. One can apply this directly for relief from conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Aloe Vera oil is used in compositions for pain relief.
Amla oil is made by soaking dried amla fruits in a type of oil for several days, often coconut, sesame, or mineral oil. This encourages the fruit's own oils, full of the fruit's nutrients, to release themselves into the mixture. Before use the mixture is filtered and purified to remove the fruits.
It isa greenish-yellow color liquid.This oil has a strong musky smell. This main components of Amla oil are Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), Emblicanin A, Emblicanin B, Punigluconin, Pedunculagin, Punicafolin, Phyllanemblinin A, Kaempferol, Ellagic acid and Gallic acid.
Also known as West Indian Sandalwood, Amyris essential oil is a wonderful woody-smelling oil that offers many benefits. Traditionally used medicinally and in everything from soap to perfume, this oil is incredibly popular the world over.
Star anise (Illicium verum) is an evergreen shrub or small tree native to Asia. It's traditionally used as a spice in food, and also as medicine. Star anise seeds contain chemicals that might have antibacterial effects.
It stimulates and balances the production of natural oils and compounds to keep the skin hydrated, supple, and radiant. It reduces fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and blemishes. Apply it to your hair to fight hair loss, improve blood circulation to your scalp, fight dandruff and darken your natural hair colour.
Basil Essential Oil emits a warm, sweet, freshly floral and crisply herbaceous scent that is further characterized as airy, vibrant, uplifting, and reminiscent of the scent of licorice. In aromatherapy, Sweet Basil Essential Oil is reputed to stimulate, clarify, calm, fortify, energize and uplift the mind.
Bergamot Oil. Bergamot oil has a soothing scent, spicy taste, and a wide range of potential uses and possible benefits. It is also a common cosmetic ingredient and a flavor added to Earl Gray tea. Bergamot oil is extracted from the rinds of citrus fruit (Citrus bergamia) that grow on bergamot orange trees.
Betel Leaf Essential Oil is a rare oil that is extracted from the Piper betel plant, a treasured herb that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and aromatherapy. The clean and refreshing aroma of betel leaf essential oil is a delight to the senses, with its uplifting and invigorating scent.
Brahmi Taila (Brahmi Oil) is ayurvedic classical oil. Brahmi taila is used to you relaxed from stress when massaged on the scalp, improves memory & concentration, also relieves headache, induces sleep and helpful in hair fall too.
Cajuput Oil is the essential oil from the leaves of Melaleuca leucadendra. Cajaput oil is used as an expectorant, for treatment of tooth and gum pain, and for its antiseptic properties. See also: Cajuput oil; calendula officinalis whole (component of); Melaleuca leucadendra whole (subclass of) ...
Calendula oil has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that might make it useful in healing wounds, soothing eczema, and relieving diaper rash. Calendula oil is a natural oil extracted from marigold flowers (Calendula officinalis). It's often used as a complementary or alternative treatment.
The product is a free-flowing liquid that is colourless to pale yellow in colour. It has a sweet, spicy, warming note, with a woody, balsamic base note. The major components of the product are 1,8-Cineol and Terpinyl acetate. Cardamom oil is mainly used in flavour and medicinal applications.
Cedarwood Essential Oil is steam distilled from the wood of the Cedar tree, of which there are several species, such as Cedrus atlantica, Cedrus deodara, Juniperus mexicana, and Juniperus virginiana, which are more commonly recognized as Atlas, Himalayan, Texan, and Virginian Cedarwood, respectively.
hamomile Blue essential oil is extracted from Matricaria chamomilla (M. Recutica) of same family and is also well recognized by the names of blue chamomile, Hungarian chamomile & single chamomile. It has a sweet, straw-like fragrance and is dark blue in color with medium viscosity.